"No More Tension" app - GS questions based on daily current affairs

1)   Recently launched mobile application "No More Tension" provides which of the following facilities to users?

1) Measure their stress level
2) Make users play games to relieve/manage stress
3) Provide information to users regarding stress

a. 2, 3
b. 1, 2
c. 1, 3
d. All of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 1, 3


  • Stress management mobile application "No More Tension" helps users to manage stress.
  • The main objective of 'No More Tension' is to provide information to users regarding stress such as, what is stress, effects, symptoms and its management.
  • The application allows the user to measure their stress level and learn various techniques like yoga and meditation to reduce stress from their lives.