Clock - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions
Dear Readers, Welcome to Quantitative Aptitude Clock questions and answers with explanation. These Clock solved examples with shortcuts and tricks will help you learn and practice for your Placement Test and competitive exams like Bank PO, IBPS PO, SBI PO, RRB PO, RBI Assistant, LIC,SSC, MBA - MAT, XAT, CAT, NMAT, UPSC, NET etc.
After practicing these tricky Clock multiple choice questions, you will be exam ready to deal with any objective type questions.
1) At what time between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock, will the hands of a clock be together? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 33(5/12) minutes past 7 o’ clock
b. 38(2/11) minutes past 7 o’ clock
c. 35(7/11) minutes past 8 o’ clock
d. 32(1/11) minutes before 8 o’ clock
2) Jaggu set an alarm on his clock for Monday 11 am. He set his clock correctly on Sunday 1 am. He was unaware that the clock gains 20 min every 24 hours. When his alarm went off what was the actual time? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 28 minutes 20 seconds before 10 am
b. 28 minutes 20 seconds past 11 am
c. 31 minutes 40 seconds past 11 am
d. 31 minutes 40 seconds past 10 am
3) Ramesh sets his grandfather’s clock to the right time at 2.00 am on Thursday. But he didn’t know that the clock gains 20s for every 3 hours. What will the clock indicate on Friday night 6.30 pm? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 6.32.00 pm
b. 6.32.46 pm
c. 6.38.56 pm
d. 6.34.30 pm
4) At what time after 9 am, do hands of clock make a right angle? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. At 32(8/11) minutes past 9 am
b. At 9 am
c. At 3 pm
d. At 29(8/11) minutes before 10 am
5) What will be angle between the two hands of a clock at 10.25 pm? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 120°
b. 146.5°
c. 162.5°
d. 126.45°
6) The minute hand and hour hand of a clock meet every 62 minutes. Does the clock gain or lose in 24 hours. And how much does it lose or gain? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 66(5/11) minutes
b. 72(7/11) minutes
c. 78(74/11) minutes
d. 56(65/11) minutes
7) What angle is formed between the minutes hand and seconds’ hand of clock if they are 25 minutes apart? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 135°
b. 110°
c. 120°
d. 150°
8) Ramesh wants to set the clock hands 8 minutes apart between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock. What would be the time shown in the clock if he does so? - Published on 07 Jul 17
a. 3(3/11) minutes before 11 o’ clock and 63(3/11) minutes past 10 o’ clock
b. 43(9/11) minutes past 10 o’ clock and 3(3/11) minutes past 11 o’ clock
c. 43(9/11) minutes past 10 o’ clock and 58(9/11) minutes before 11 o’ clock
d. 43(9/11) minutes past 10 o’ clock and 3(3/11) minutes before 11 o’ clock
ANSWER: 43(9/11) minutes past 10 o’ clock and 3(3/11) minutes past 11 o’ clock

9) When will the clock’s hands be in a straight line but pointing in opposite directions between 2 am and 3 am? - Published on 27 Mar 17
a. 43(7/11) minutes past 2 am
b. 25(1/11) minutes before 3 am
c. 38(7/11) minutes before 3 am
d. 50(5/11) minutes past 2 am
10) When will be both hands of a clock at right angle, between 8pm and 9pm? - Published on 07 Jul 17
a. 29 (8/11) minutes past 8 pm
b. 27 (3/11) minutes past 8 pm
c. 25 (7/11) minutes past 8 pm
d. 24 (5/11) minutes before 9 pm