Oracle - Programming Language (MCQ) questions

Dear Readers, Welcome to Oracle multiple choice questions and answers with explanation. These objective type Oracle questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews.

Specially developed for the Oracle freshers and professionals, these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT companies.

1)   How would you pass a value from one form to another?

- Published on 16 Jun 15

a. LOV
b. Parameters
c. Local variables
d. Global variables
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Local variables

Once a local variable is declared that can be used on the other forms also.

2)   Can we modify a data type of a column which contains data in it?
- Published on 16 Jun 15

a. Yes
b. No
Answer  Explanation 


Whenever a column has a data in it and we try to modify the data type of the column we cannot modify it if it has some data in it. Once the data is removed we can modify the column.

3)   When does a transaction end?
- Published on 16 Jun 15

a. When it is committed or rolled back
b. Only when it is committed
c. Only when it is rolled back
d. None of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: When it is committed or rolled back

Committed means a transaction is saved and rollback means a transaction comes to a where it was committed the last time. So when either is done we say that a transaction is ended.

4)   Can a database trigger be enabled or disabled?

- Published on 16 Jun 15

a. Yes
b. No
Answer  Explanation 


The triggers can be enabled or disabled by using the syntax enable trigger trigger_name on table_name; or disable trigger trigger_name on table_name;

5)   From the following which of the statement is true
- Published on 16 Jun 15

a. Any procedure cannot raise an error and return a system message and error number
b. Error numbers ranging from 20000 to 20999 are system defined error messages
c. Oracle checks uniqueness of user defined messages
d. The Raise_Application_Error is used for raising user defined error messages.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: The Raise_Application_Error is used for raising user defined error messages.

The Raise_Application_Error is used when the user wants to raise an error in the application. It is usually used when a user wants user defined error message.