Explain the milestones of the MSF stabilizing phases. [Hint Bug Convergence, Zero-bug bounce, Release candidates and Golden Release]Various milestones of the MSF stabilizing phases are:
Bug Convergence: It’s a point where the team makes significant progress as a whole against the bug count. I.e. rate of bugs being resolved is more than the rate of bugs being found significantly. Bug convergence slowly leads to the zero bug release.
Zero bug bounce: It’s a point when development catches with testing and no bugs have been found. After zero bug bounce, the bug peaks should reduce and should decrease till the solution is stable enough to be a release candidate.
Release candidates: A set of release candidates are often released for a pilot review as they are more stable in nature. A release candidate must have all the components it needs for production release. They don’t have any fatal bugs and very minor known bugs. It is here that a version number is assigned.
Golden release: It’s a point where a release candidate wins and is picked to be passed into the production.