.NET Mobile input controls

Describe .NET Mobile Input controls.

Input controls:

- It is used to collect input from the mobile user.

TextBox control:

- It is a most common input control.

- TextBox control is perfect for simple user input like names, numbers, identification and keywords.

TextView control:

- It is used for larger amounts of input.

- It allows long multi-line input like the one you need for SMS or other messages.

- .NET provides a variety of input controls to enable interaction form the user.

Numeric input:

- The TextBox has a numeric attribute which, if set to true or false specifies whether the TextBox should accept only numeric values.

Password input:

- The TextBox has a password attribute which, when set to true or false it specifies that the textbox should be treated as a password field.

- It will be hide the input by displaying stars(*) in the TextBox as the user types in the textbox field.

<%@ Page Inherits= "System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage"%>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>

<script runat="server">

private void Page2(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
   If (Page.IsValid)
       text2.Text="You are " + age.text + " years old";


<Mobile:Form id="f1" runat="server">
<Mobile:CompareValidator runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtage" Type="Integer" ValueToCompare="12" Operator="GreaterThanEqual"> You must be at least 12

<Mobile:Label runat="server">What is your Age?</Mobile:Label>
<Mobile:TextBox id="txtage" runat="server" />
<Mobile:Command OnClick="Page2" runat="server">Submit</Mobile:Command>

<Mobile:Form id="f2" runat="server">
<Mobile:Label id="text2" runat="server" />

- This will display a message if the user input is less than 12.
Numeric attribute of the textbox control of .NET Mobile
When the numeric attribute of the textbox is set to true it accepts numeric numbers only.....
Password attribute of the textbox control of .NET Mobile
Password attribute in .Net Mobile - When the password attribute of the textbox is set to true, it acts as a password input box....
TextBox and TextView controls of .NET Mobile
TextBox and TextView controls of .NET Mobile - The textbox control in .NET mobile application is used to display a single line of text, whereas, a textview control.....
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