.NET Mobile utility controls

.NET Mobile Utility Controls. Explain with an example.

.NET mobile has a variety of utility complex controls:

AdRotator: A control which displays different images one by one.

Calendar: Standard calendar control for mobile devices.

PhoneCall: Selects the number displayed and calls that number.

Example: Displays text Mike’s Number, and dial the number (91) 1111-111 when the user selects the text.
<%@ Page Inherits= "System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage"%>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>

<Mobile:Form runat="server">
<Mobile:PhoneCall runat="server" PhoneNumber="(91) 1111-111" Text="Mike's number" AlternateFormat="{0}" />
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