Difference between baseband and broadband - Networking

Explain the difference between baseband and broadband.

- Digital signals are used
- Frequency division multiplexing is not possible
- Baseband is bi-directional transmission
- Short distance signal travelling
- Entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a single signal in a baseband transmission.

- Analog signals are used
- Transmission of data is unidirectional
- Signal travelling distance is long
- Frequency division multiplexing is possible
- The signals are sent on multiple frequencies and allow all the multiple signals are sent simultaneously in broadband transmission.
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Discussion Board
in broadband for signals to be both sent and received, the transmission media must be split into two channels. Alternatively, two cables can be used: one to send and one to receive transmissions.
raj 12-8-2016
Reply to broadband questions
In broadband (like Cable) upstream and downstream are on separate frequencies, enabling bi-directional communication. But each frequency is uni-directional.
Tom 05-5-2015
question on broadband
if broadband is unidirectional then how can we use it for internet? how our requests get transmitted and how we get response???
prajakta 01-31-2015
question on broadband
if broadband is unidirectional then how can we use it for internet? how our requests get transmitted and how we get response???
prajakta 01-31-2015
If data transmission in broadband is unidirectional, then how can we download and upload data simultaneously in a broadband connection, further if broadband uses analog transmission the how we can use digital subscriber line(DSL) in broadband connection???
Avinash 11-15-2014