Oracle export and import utilities - Explain how to use the import/export
utilities. posted by Babu
Explain how to use the import/export utilities.
EXPORT utility can be invoked in many ways namely: Command-line entries,
Interactive Export prompts, Parameter files.
Command-Line Entries has the following syntax: exp username/password
PARAMETER=value. Remember: Although Oracle allows us to pass any number of
parameters but these parameters cannot exceed the maximum length of a command
line on the system.
Interactive Export Prompts is used if we wish that Export prompts the value of
each parametesr. It takes syntax as: exp username/password. Remember that
Oracle does not recommend you to use this method as it supports less
functionality than others.
Parameter Files: Here we define all the parameter inside a file. Advantage of
using this export method is storing the parameters in a file allows them to be
easily modified or reused. Also we can add comments to the parameter file by
using the sign #. The general syntax for this method is:
exp PARFILE=filename
exp username/password PARFILE=filename
The EXPORT utility reads the export dump file and runs the command stored
there. It is used to selectively bring back objects and user from the export
dump file. We can run import either using Command-line entries or Interactive
Export prompts.
Command-Line Entries has the following syntax: imp username/password
Interactive Export prompts have the following syntax: imp username/password.
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Conditional control: IF and CASE Statements.
Iterative Control: LOOP and EXIT Statements.
GOTO statement takes the control to the labeled statement............