Oracle database backup and recovery - Explain how to do off-line database
backups posted by Babu
Explain how to do off-line database backups
Consistent offline backups occur when the database has been shut down normally
using the normal, immediate, or transactional option of the shutdown command.
Process: While the database is shut down, each of the files actively used by
the database is backed up. These files provide a complete image of the database
as it existed at the moment it was shut down. Doing offline backup is easy the
only point that must be kept in mind is:
If we are using raw devices for database storage, with or without ASM, you’ll
have to backup these devices as well using operating system commands such as dd
in combination with a compression utility, as dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip >
We should not rely on an offline backup performed following a shutdown abort,
because it may be inconsistent.
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