Oracle database backup and recovery - Explain how to backup and restore a
database using RMAN posted by
Babu Kunwar
Explain how to backup and restore a database using RMAN
RMAN provides two modes of full database backup. Full database backup can be
done as:
RMAN> backup as backupset database spfile;
The query will execute till the auto backup is completed. After it is completed
you will get a message on the screen as: Finished controlled file and spfile
backup. After viewing this command next execute:
RMAN> sql ‘alter system archive log current’;
The alter system command ensures that we have archived logs for all
transactions, including those that occurred while the backup was taking place;
this ensures that we can perform media recovery after restoring this backup.
After that we can connect as sysdba and can view the parameters of recovery.
RMAN provide various options for the recovery of the database. Among the few
are block media recovery, restoring a control file, restoring a table space
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
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