Oracle database - Explain how to resize tablespaces and data files posted by
Babu Kunwar
Explain how to resize tablespaces and data files
Oracle provides different types of tablespace namely SYSTEM tablespaces, the
SYSAUX tablespace, temporary tablespaces, undo tablespaces, and bigfile
The procedures and methods available for resizing a tablespace are slightly
different, depending on whether the tablespace is a smallfile or a bigfile
Smallfile case I:
For example we need to alter the size of the table space named users which
contain one database file starting out of 5 MB. First we will make it to 15 MB
and then reduce its size to 10 MB.
SQL> alter database datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/rmanrep/users01.dbf'
resize 15m;
SQL > alter database datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/rmanrep/users01.dbf'
resize 10m;
Bigfile Case II:
A bigfile tablespace consists of one and only one datafile. Remember:
Operations that are valid only at the datafile level with smallfile tablespaces
can be used with bigfile tablespaces at the tablespace level
SQL> alter tablespace bigfile_name resize 1g;
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