Oracle database - How does one diagnose and fix 'library cache pin' waits?
posted by Babu Kunwar
How does one diagnose and fix 'library cache pin' waits?
LIBRARY CACHE PIN usually occurs during compiling and recompiling PL / SQL,
VIEW, TYPES. First we will determine the blocker information as:
SQL> select SID, event from v $ session_wait where event like 'library%';
Then we need to determine the SID username program which can be done as:
SQL> SELECT a.SID, a.username, a.program
FROM v $ session a, x $ kglpn b
WHERE a.saddr = b.kglpnuse
AND b.kglpnmod <> 0
AND b.kglpnhdl = '2 B9E5B50 '; Where 2 B9E5B50 is the library cache pin.
Then select object_id, session_id, locked_mode from v $ locked_object. After
getting the details
Identify the associated processes, and can kill off as
Select b.username username, b.terminal terminal, b.program program, b.spid
FROM v $ session a, v $ process b
WHERE a.PADDR = b.ADDR and a.sid = '& sid';
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