Describe the architecture of Oracle Applications?Oracle Applications follow a 3 Tier architecture:
- Database Tier - Middle Tier - Desktop Tier
- Database tier contains RDBMS database called as oracle database server.
- Database tier stores all the data needed by oracle applications.
- Middle tier or Application Tier containing various servers configured with listeners like web server, forms server, admin server, reports server.
- Database server communicates with middle tier, doesn’t directly communicate with desktop tier.
- Desktop tier contains client desktop where users access oracle applications through web browsers.
How do you delete a responsibility from oracle applications?- Responsibility is a level of authority given to Oracle Applications users.
- It is a collection of requests, forms and menus attached to user.
- Records are used for monitoring and security purpose so we can’t disable responsibilities.
- However, responsibilities can be disabled by assigning an end date to the effective period.
- We can delete a responsibility from both backend and frontend.
What are the components of Oracle Applications technology layer?Oracle Applications technology layer comprises the following products:
- Oracle Applications DBA (AD) - Oracle Applications object library (FND) - Oracle Common Modules (AK) - Oracle Applications Utilities (AU) - Oracle Alert (ALR) - Oracle Workflow (WF) - Oracle Applications Framework (FWK) - Oracle XML Publisher (XML)
How many Oracle Homes are there in Oracle Applications and what is the importance of each one of them?Oracle Applications have three Oracle Homes:
- Oracle Home is an environment where oracle products run.
- Database Oracle Home in the database tier that acts as the Oracle Home for the Oracle database.
- Oracle Home in the application tier called as 8.0.6 Oracle Home. It is called the technology stack Oracle Home and used by forms, reports and discoverer.
- IAS Oracle Home, used by the Oracle HTTP Server (Web Listener).
- We can run multiple releases of same products simultaneously by using multiple oracle homes.
Can I enable real application clusters in the database tier along with oracle applications?- Yes, real application clusters can also be configured with Oracle Applications
- RAC allows multiple instances to mount and open a single database.
- RAC requires shared disk storage and a dedicated network interconnect.
- When any one of the node fails, database services can be still available on remaining nodes.
- In that case, more than one instance of Oracle runs and the data file are stored at a central location accessible from the entire instance.
Where are Apache log files and configuration files stored and list each of them?- Apache log files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs.
- The log files are error_log, error_log_pls, access_log and access_log_pls.
- Apache configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apche/Apache/conf directory.
- The main configuration files are httpd.conf, apps.conf, httpd_pls.conf,oprocmgr.conf, and oracle_apache.conf.
How to recreate a DBC file and where is it located?- Running Autoconfig will recreate the DBC file.
- DBC is a database connect descriptor file which stores database connection information used by application tier (web browsers) to connect to database.
- The file is located in FND_SECURE directory.
- you can also create the DBC file by running the script
- We can find the above script at $COMMON_TOP/admin/install directory.
List out the important configuration files in APPL_TOP?Important configuration files available in the APPL_TOP are:
- APPLSYS.env/APPSORA.env - Adovars.env - SID.xml - Adconfig.txt - Adjareas.txt - Topfile.txt - Appsweb.cfg - Hostname_SID.dbc - Adpltfrm.txt - Adjborg.txt - Adjborg2.txt
Which utility is used for changing the password of the application users and how it runs?- The password of the application users can be changed using the FNDCPASS utility.
- You must have system and applications password for running FNDCPASS.
FNDCPASS will run in the following manner:
- FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME. - FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1 - FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME.
What are the scripts do you use while Apps cloning?- A type of script that’s made a comeback in hot scripts is clone script.
- prepares the source system and configures the target system.
- Both the scripts are located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/contextname directory.
- collects information about the database.
- It also creates generic templates of files containing source specified hardcore values.
What is a patch and name some different types of patches?- Patch is a program which fixes the bug.
There are 4 different types of patches:
- One-off patch:
- This is the simplest type of patch. It is created to resolve a particular problem. - Mini pack Patch: - It is a collection of one-off patches related to a particular module or product. - Mini Pack version of module is denoted by Alphabetic characters.
- Family pack patch:
- This is a collection of mini pack patches in one family. - Alphabetic characters denote the family pack version.
- Maintenance pack patch:
- This is a collection of family pack patches. - Oracle Applications Release 11.5.10 is an example of Maintenance pack.
List out APPS 11i post installation steps?- Shutdown all Oracle Application Processes.
- Apply Inter-Operability Patch(3830807).
- Apply Discoverer Patch(3170128).
- Re link all Oracle Applications executables.
- Finally, Restart Oracle Application Processes.
What are the contents of patch and drivers present in patching?Contents of patch:
- Readme files - Driver files - Metadata files - Replacement files
Drivers present in patching:
C driver - It copies all the files and links the executables. D driver – It is responsible for running SQL scripts which updates the database.
G driver - It is responsible for generating forms, reports and message files.
U driver – It is a united driver containing all copy and database actions.
What do you do if patch fails?- Evaluate log files to determine the cause of the error.
- Repair the cause of error. - Now Restart Adpatch.
- Answer 'Yes' when adpatch asks if you want to continue the previous session.
- Adpatch starts from where it left off by skipping all completed jobs.
How can I determine the effects a patch will have on my application system?This can be done by patch wizard in the Oracle Applications manager.
- Checking total number of files in the patch and which are installed.
- Products that contain updated files.
- Total no of files introduced by the patch.
- Files on the target system changed by the patch.
- Files which depend on patched files.
How can you reduce the downtime when you have to apply multiple patches?- You can reduce the downtime by merging all the patches into one single patch using admergepatch (admrgpch) tool. - You can also apply multiple patches one by one by choosing options nocompiledb, nocompilejsp, and nolink. - Compilation of invalid objects, jsp’s and relinking can be skipped till the last patch is applied. - In the last patch you can compile all of them and then relink. - You can also choose the max number of workers which your CPU permits.
List out the Log Files created on running patch?Running the patch creates the following log files:
Adpatch.log: Information about the patch run will be stored here.
Adpatch.lgi: It contains information about the which has been discarded by adpatch.log For example, the files which has not been copied by the adpatch.
Adrelink.log: Relinking information performed by patch will be stored here.
Adworkxx.log: Workers log details will be stored here.
What are the important AD tables and define their importance?AD_APPL_TOPS: It contains information about all APPL_TOP’s using the instance.
AD_BUGS: It stores information about all different bug fixes applied.
AD_PATCH_DRIVER_MINIPACKS: Mini_packs information will be stored here.
AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS: It stores information about all applied and updated bug fixes.
AD_FILES: It stores information about files.
Is it possible to revert the patch application? Explain in detail how?- Yes, it’s possible to revert the patching but not 100% sure.
- In test environment it’s always recommended to take the full backup of the database, apply the patch and revert from backup.
- Adpatch is responsible for copying the files from the patch.
- From the patch log, drop the database objects created by the patch.
- Similarly forms in the G driver should be replaced from the backup taken by Adpatch and should be manually generated.
What is a view and how do you recreate a view which becomes invalid when you recreate a patch?- View is used for accessing a particular portion of a table.
- A view is also called as virtual table.
- For recreating the view you can search for the view name in the SQL directory.
- We can recreate the views running scripts located in the Product top/patch/115/sql directory.
- Most views are recreated using sql script.
Difference between ad_bugs table and ad_applied_patches?- When you apply the patch from adpatch utility ad_applied_patches table will get updated.
- Ad_applied _patch doesn’t store the information which was not applied using adpatch.
- Such type of information will be stored in ad_bugs table.
- Also, if all the patches are applied using the adpatch utility, that information is also stored in the ad_bugs_table.
What things you do to reduce patch timing?- Admrgpch utility is used for merging all the patches.
- Various adpatch options like nocompiledb or nocompilejsp are used for reducing patch timing.
- By Using defaults file.
- By using, staged APPL_TOP for upgradation.
- By increasing the batch size, this might result into negative results.
What are the main configuration files in web server (Apache)?Main configuration files in Oracle Apps Web server are:
- Httpd.conf - Apps.conf - Oracle_apache.conf - Httpd_pls.conf - Jserv.conf - ssp_init.txt - Jserv and zone properties - Plsql.conf -
What are GSM and FNDSM?- GSM stands for Generic Service Management Framework.
- Oracle E-Business suite contains many services used to start at their own earlier, but managing these services are distributed across network.
- So, GSM is an extension of concurrent processing which manages all your services.
- With GSM all services are centrally managed.
- FNDSM is executable and core component in GSM.
What are cursor attributes?- Cursor attributes are used to get information about the current status of your cursor.
Both explicit and implicit cursors have four attributes as shown:
FOUND - It Returns TRUE if record was fetched successfully, FALSE otherwise.
NOTFOUND - Returns TRUE if record was not fetched successfully, FALSE otherwise.
ROWCOUNT - Returns number of records fetched from cursor at that point in time.
ISOPEN - Returns TRUE if cursor is open, FALSE otherwise.
What is the purpose of cluster?- Cluster is used storing table data. - It contains group of tables that share the same data blocks. - Suppose if you cluster EMP and DEPT table, both share same DEPTNO column. - Oracle stores all rows of each department physically from both the EMP and DEPT tables in the same data blocks. - Clusters can’t be used for tables that are frequently fetched.
How to confirm if Apps Listener is up and running?Execute the following commands: lsnrctl status APPS _$SID( SID is your instance name) For example: If our SID is test, then use
lsnrctl status APPS_test If the listener is up, you will observe the following output:- Services summary - FNDFS has 1 service handler(s) - FNDSM has 1 service handler(s)
What is Adadmin and why it is used?- Adadmin (Ad administration) is used to perform a number of administrative tasks to maintain the Oracle Applications. - For Oracle Applications to run smoothly Adadmin is used. - Adadmin performs work at both database level and file system level. - Application users are requested to provide all inputs at Adadmin prompt which displays various options from Adadmin menu. - You can run non_interactive tasks and this is really useful for scheduling routine tasks that require no user intervention.
What are the adadmin activities that can be run in a parallel way?- Recreate grants and synonyms. - Compile APPS schema - Maintain multiple reporting currencies schema. - Convert to Multi-org. - Generate message files. - Generate form files. - Generate report files.
What is copy driver (c driver) and what does it do?- All the files in the patch are copied to APPL_TOP by C driver. - It extracts all the appropriate files from c library. - Oracle applications products are relinked by C driver. - Regenerates the JAR files and compiles the Java server pages(JSP) files. - Compares the files in the patch with the files in the $APPL_TOP. - If all the files in the patch are of higher version, Adpatch copies all the files from patch to $APPL_TOP.
What is database driver (D driver) and what does it do?- It contains all the commands to change the database object. - All the scripts copied by c driver are applied to the database. - It makes a list of all the invalid objects that are there in the database. - Runs SQL scripts which make changes to the database objects. - Compiles all the invalid objects that are there in the database.
What are generate and unified driver and what does they do?- Generate driver is named as g<patch number>.drv - It regenerates all forms, reports and pl/sql libraries that have been affected by the patch. - Unified driver is a combination of C,D, & G drivers. - U driver is also named as u<patch_number>.drv - It requires only a single execution of AutoPatch.
Explain about Forms server?- Forms server is a component of Oracle Applications server which is used to deploy Forms applications across the web. - It is previously called as Web Forms. - It consists of Forms Listener, Runtime engine, Forms CGI. - Forms listener manages connections and Runtime engine. - Runtime engine contains Application logic, Data management and pl/sql engine. - It is an optional entry point and used for Load balancing.
How to check whether forms server is running or not and how to change the port of the forms server?- Forms server communicates with forms client and Database server. - Check for the process f60ctl, if it is running it means the forms are up and running. - You can find the Forms Server listener's log file at $COMMON_TOP/admin/install/f60srvm.txt. - You can change the port numbers at f60ctl start by specifying port parameters. - Modify the file appsweb.cgf which is available at $OA_HTML/bin.
Name some of the files related to forms?Forms files include Script files, Configuration files and text files: – It is used for starting and stopping the forms metric client. Appsweb.cfg – It is used for defining parameter values used by forms CGI located in $OA_HTML/html/bin. Appsbase.html – This is the default HTML file for starting an applet. D21c60.txt – This is forms metric client log file. D21s60.txt – This is forms metric server log file.
What is the difference between socket and servlet mode forms and list some advantages & disadvantages of each?- In socket mode, we can find a dedicated connection between client desktop and the forms server. - In servlet mode, Jserv processes the forms requested. - Socket mode uses up to 40% less bandwidth than forms servlet mode. - Socked mode is not supported on windows-based platforms. - Servlet connections can be reestablished if network connections drop unexpectedly whereas it is not possible with socket mode. - Servlet mode HTTP & HTTPS traffic can be easily recognized by routers, whereas socket mode communication is treated as suspect.
How do I change from socket to servlet mode and vice versa?- First, you must login to Oracle Applications Manager - Then you must navigate to sitemap, then find the Autoconfig. - In Autoconfig you can able to change from socket mode to servlet mode and vice versa - Run the autoconfig from backend and restart the forms server. - Due to many advantages Forms servlet mode is preferred and is always recommended for web deployment.
What is JInitiator?- It is a java virtual machine provided for running web based oracle forms applications inside a client web browser. - It is implemented as a plug-in or ActiveX Object. - It allows you to specify the use of Oracle-certified JVM instead of relying on default JVM provided by the browser. - It is automatically downloaded to a client machine from the application server. - Its installation and update is performed by standard plug-in mechanism provided by the browser.
What is the function of Oracle HTTP (Apache) server?- Web listener accepts the Http requests coming from the client browsers and web server services the request. - Apache server forwards advanced processing requests to the servlet engine. - Servlet engine forwards this requests to database. - If the Http request needs parsing a JSP file then web listener checks the nature of the request. - It then contacts the Jserv to run a JSP. - The JSP contacts the database for the information and returns a HTML page displayed in the web browser.
What should I do for debugging when I login to the oracle applications from PHP based applications to avoid hanging?- First check the Apache log files. - Then in the Apache log directory, check for the access_log and error_log. - If you are unable find any information from above steps then check for Jserv logs and JVM. - Analyze all the errors that you are getting from log files and fix them - Still you are not able to debug, then perform AOL diagnostics test.
What kind of maintenance activities can be performed from admin server?Following maintenance activities are performed from admin server:
- Applying the patches - Maintaining Oracle Applications - Applying the ad utilities - Upgrading Oracle Applications
What is the significance of appsweb.cgf file and where is it located?- It defines the parameter values used by forms WEB CGI. - It is the main configuration file used by forms server. - It contains forms server Name, ServerPort, DomainName - It stores Database Connection Parameters and Jinitiatorversion. - It is located at $OA_HTML/bin.
What is cloning and why is it required? Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of the Oracle application system.
It is required due to following reasons:
- Creating a test copy of your production system before upgrading. - Moving an existing system to a different machine. - To test some patches - Creating a development copy of your environment to be used by the developers.
What are the steps to clone from a single node to a multi-node?Steps:
- You must login as the owner of file system once the database cloning is done. - Run the from the common_top/clone bin. - Accept for target system having more than one application tier server node. - Collect the details for processing node, admin node, forms node, and web node. - Now you get a prompt for the various mount point details and it creates the context file for you. - Follow the same steps from all the nodes.
What are the files you need to copy from APPL_TOP for creating a clone application system?- APPL_TOP - OA_HTML - OA_JAVA - OA_JRE_TOP - COMMON_TOP>/util - COMMON_TOP>/clone - 806 ORACLE_HOME - iAS ORACLE_HOME
Does clone preserve the patch history?Yes, Rapid clone preserves the patch history in following locations:
RDBMS ORACLE_HOME: Preserves the OUI oraInventory.
iAS ORACLE_HOME: Preserves the OUI oraInventory.
806 ORACLE_HOME: Preserves the patch level and Oracle inventory.
APPL_TOP and Database: Preserves the patch level and history tables.
What are the pre-upgrade steps that need to be taken for the up gradation of non_11i instance to 11.5.10?- First, you need to take a complete backup of the application system. - Run the TUMS utility - Review the TUMS report - Maintain the multilingual tables - Rename the custom database objects - Check attachment file upload directory - You need to save the custom.pll
What is ad splice and what does it do?- Oracle often releases new products known as off cycle products. - These products are up gradation to the base releases of Oracle applications. - Ad splice is the utility which takes care of bringing an off cycle product in to oracle applications. - Ad splice registers off cycle products as active in the system. - Therefore, ad utilities recognize the off cycle products as valid product for a particular product release.
What are the important configuration files used by Apache run along with Jserv?- $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/httpd.conf - $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/Jserv.conf - $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/ - $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/ - $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/oracle_apache.conf - $APACHE_TOP/Ojsp/conf/ojsp.conf
How do I check the version of Apache?Version of Apache can be checked using the following command:$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd –v Output is given as below:- httpd –v - Server version: Oracle HTTP server Powered by Apache/1.3.19(UNIX) - Server built: Dec 6 2005 13:41:10 (iAS rollup 5) From the above output we can know the version of the apache.