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Write a note on Event Delegation Model.
The event model is based on the Event Source and Event Listeners.
Event Listener is an object that receives the messages / events. The Event Source is any object which creates the message / event.
The Event Delegation model is based on - The Event Classes, The Event Listeners, Event Objects.
There are three participants in event delegation model in Java:
1. Event Source :
the class which broadcasts the events.
2. Event Listeners :
the classes which receive notifications of events.
3. Event Object :
the class object which describes the event.
An event occurs (like mouse click, key press, etc) which is followed by the event is broadcasted by the event source by invoking an agreed method on all event listeners.
The event object is passed as argument to the agreed-upon method. Later the event listeners respond as they fit, like submit a form, displaying a message / alert etc.
Event-delegation model allows a separation between a component's design and its use as it enables event handling to be handled by objects other than the ones that generate the events.
As event-delegation model does not have to repeatedly process unhandled events, it performs much better in applications where many events are generated. This is unlike the event inheritance model.
Write a note on Layout Managers.
A layout manager organizes the objects in a container.
Layout manager is an object that is used to implement an interface which determines the size and position of the component that is used inside a container.
Components can provide the size and the alignments regarding the container's layout.
The main layouts that are used in the layout managers are given as:
1. Border Layout
It has five areas for holding components: north, east, west, south and center.
When there are only 5 elements to be placed, border layout is the right choice.
2. Flow Layout
Default layout manager.
It lays out the components from left to right.
3. Card Layout
Different components at different times are laid out.
Controlled by a combo box, determining which panel the Card layout displays.
4. Grid Layout
A group of components are laid out I equal size and displays them in certain rows and columns.
5. Grid Bag Layout
Flexible layout for placing components within a grid of cells
Allows certain components to span more than one cell.
The rows of the grid are not of the same height and height.
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