RDBMS does not support the different extensions of the database. | ORDBMS supports the different extensions of the database. |
It is easier to optimize the queries for efficient execution. | It is difficult to optimize the queries for efficient execution. |
It is easier to use as there are fewer features to master. | It is difficult to use as there are many features that need to be mastered. |
It is less versatile than ORDBMS. | It is more versatile than RDBMS. |
The OODBMS will try to add the DBMS functionality to a programming language. | The ORDBMS will try to add the richer data types to a relational DBMS. |
Their aim is to achieve seamless integration with a programming language like C++, Java or SmallTalk. | Such type of integration is not an important aim for it. |
It aims at the applications where an object-centric viewpoint is appropriate it means that the typical user sessions consist of retrieving a few objects and working on them for a long period with the related objects that are fetched occasionally. | It is optimized for the applications where the large data collections is the focus even though the objects may have a rich structure and are fairly large. The applications will retrieve the data from the disk extensively and optimizing data access is the main concern for efficient execution. |
The query facilities of SQL are not supported efficiently. | The query facilities are the centerpiece for ORDBMS. |