Describe FAST for eliciting requirements. FAST is short form for Facilitated Application Specification Technique. They are a collection of workshops that are held for identifying requirements. They unlike JAD are expanded and include planning, problem-solving, re-engineering etc. For each workshop an agenda is set. It is usually conducted between developers and customers to understand requirements better, fulfilling the objective of minimizing the expectation gap of the customer. The joint team of customer and developers then arrive at a set of requirements. Following are the guidelines:
a) Meeting should be arranged at a neutral site b) Establish a protocol for meeting c) Prepare a casual agenda and encourage ideas d) Have a appointed facilitator e) Use charts, boards etc f) No criticism or arguments. g) A list of objects is collected that are part of the environment around the system to be built, produced by the system, or consumed by the system. Constraints, rules and quality attributes are determined.