Explain Btrieve architecture.
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Explain Btrieve architecture.
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Explain File sharing, system and user transaction in Btrieve.
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Explain error codes of Btrieve.
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Explain the features available in Btrieve Commander.
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Explain about DDF Editor for Btrieve.
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
How to convert a bunch of .btr and .lck files to a readable SQL?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
How do I run Btrieve on SFT III server?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
If an application runs twenty-four hours a day, how to perform a backup in Betrieve?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Is it necessary to load Brequest if one wants to access the Btrieve NLM from the Windows environment?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
What is a status 1015 in Betrieve?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Why does Btrieve return a status 22, if one perform a Stat operation, even though the maximum number of key spec buffers (24) are allocated?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Can a supplemental index be created through Btrieve or NetWare SQL at the time that the Btrieve file is created?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
How can I define a C long integer as a key in Btrieve, when there is no long data type?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
Can BREBUILD rebuild Btrieve files created in the Btrieve v3.x format, or is it needed to run another upgrade utility first?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
After upgrading to NetWare v3.11 and the NetWare Btrieve NLM v5.15, Btrieve is running slower than expected. What's the solution?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
When I run the NetWare Btrieve v5.15 NLM with some applications on NetWare v3.11, retrieved Btrieve data is incorrect. What should I do?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
NetWare Btrieve NLM v6.0, BTRMON and NDBMON show files as opened by a different user than the one that originally opened the files and I can't back up or close those files. Why?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
How to create Data Definition Files (.DDF) files to work with third-party products that requires them?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
What happens when you use NetWare Btrieve v6.x to access a Btrieve file that was created in the v5.x file format?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies
How can someone determine whether a Btrieve file is stored in 5.x or 6.x format?
Replies (0), Started: 05-25-2012, Last Reply: 05-25-2012 - No Replies