The memory address of fifth element of an array can be calculated by the formula

- LOC(Array[5]=Base(Array)+w(5-lower bound), where w is the number of words per memory cell for the array
- LOC(Array[5])=Base(Array[5])+(5-lower bound), where w is the number of words per memory cell for the array
- LOC(Array[5])=Base(Array[4])+(5-Upper bound), where w is the number of words per memory cell for the array
- None of above

CORRECT ANSWER : LOC(Array[5]=Base(Array)+w(5-lower bound), where w is the number of words per memory cell for the array

Discussion Board
Data Structure - Array

The memory address of fifth element of an array can be calculated by the formula: LOC(Array[5]=Base(Array)+w(5-lower bound), where w is the number of words per memory cell for the array.

Prajakta Pandit 02-1-2017 03:55 AM

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