Which of the following is false for stateless session bean?

- Enterprise bean that does not maintain conversational state
- EJB component that implements ‘javax.ejb.SessionBean’ interface
- They are fast
- They are slow

CORRECT ANSWER : They are slow

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Stateless Session Bean

Stateless Session Beans doesn't have a conversational state with the client or they don't maintain a session with the client. When a client invokes a method then the stateless bean consists of instance variable only for that client for certain particular time. When the methods is finished for that client then the state for that client also ends. All instances of stateless bean except during method invocation, are equivalent, allowing the EJB container to assign an instance to any client. State of stateless bean is being transferred to all the clients.

It provides better scalability for applications which requires large number of clients. It can also be used to implement a web service that a stateful bean cannot.

They are quite fast in terms of execution as they work for only one client at a time and assign differently for others.

Rohit Sharma 08-14-2014 07:41 PM

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