Is width=”100px” and width=”100%” the same?

- No
- Yes


Discussion Board


lalitha 02-12-2018 05:06 AM

100 vs 100

100px is not the same as 100%. Percent (%) refers to the amount of total space available for that element, whereas pixels (px) refers to the specific number of dots used by the picure left and right.

As to the original question, "100" and "100%" are not the same. The browser won't recognize the first value because it has no measure, and the browser makes no assumptions as to which measure should be used. It will simply use the default values from the picture location (original size).

Sherman 05-14-2015 12:19 PM


The "100" does not mean anything to the browser. If it was 100px; then it would mean 100% in the styles properties of the width.

Baingana David 11-11-2014 02:22 AM

reply the answer sir

i dont know the answer..

Ranadheer 03-13-2014 01:10 PM

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