Breadth First search is used in

- Binary trees
- Stacks
- Graphs
- Both a and c

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and c

Discussion Board
Data Structure - BFS

Breadth first search is used in binary trees and graphs. Breadth first search is used for traversing a finite graph. It visits the neighbor vertices before visiting the child vertices. BFS uses a queue for search process and gets the next vertex to start a search when a dead end occurs in any iteration.

Prajakta Pandit 01-31-2017 06:50 AM

wrong answer

In graph traversal,BFS method is used and for BFS implements queue will be used not stacks.

siva 09-13-2016 02:42 AM

data structure

do u to explain me

n.bhadhusha 03-18-2016 06:23 AM

Wrong answer

See the Wiki Page of BFS

hitesh 09-1-2015 03:46 AM

Conflict with my Concept

This is a wrong answer because binary trees also we can perform breadth first search traversal

Akanksha Jain 10-25-2014 07:46 AM

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