____________ means each method in a multithreaded environment doesn’t access data by multiple threads at the same time.

- Thread detach
- Thread isolation
- Thread safety
- Thread lock

CORRECT ANSWER : Thread safety

Discussion Board
Thread Safety

Java Thread Safety is a process to make any program in multi-threaded or non-multithreaded system to be safe and can be used in such environments. There are different ways in which a program thread can be safe and it is as follows:

1. Synchronization is used for the java safety and mostly used in threads to provide safe operations.
2. Atomic wrapper classes can be used from java.util.concurrent.atomic package.
3. Volatile keywords with variables can be used to make every thread read the data from the memory and doesn't allow it to read from the thread cache.

Rohit Sharma 08-7-2014 02:57 AM

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