Which of the following are correct PROC statements?

- PROC contents
- PROC means
- PROC freq
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the above

Discussion Board
PROC Statements

PROC CONTENTS: The PROC CONTENTS procedure generates summary information about the contents of a dataset. This procedure is useful if you want to know basic information about the dataset itself, such as the variables' names, types, and attributes; it is also useful if you have imported your data and want to check that your variables have been read and defined correctly.

PROC MEANS: can be used for incorrectly coded values. PROC MEANS can be used for describing quantitative data, creating a simple report showing summary statistics, describing means by group.

PROC FREQ: The frequency (FREQ) procedure produces one-way to n-way frequency and cross-tabulation tables. For two-way tables, PROC FREQ computes tests and measures of association. For n-way tables, PROC FREQ does stratified analysis, computing statistics within, as well as across, strata. Frequencies can also be output to a SAS dataset.

Prajakta Pandit 03-30-2017 12:31 AM

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