How much usable space is available, when a Linux system is configured with a RAID 5 array that consists of six 20 GB hard disk drives?

- 80
- 100
- 120
- 60


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thanks hesps us to provide of the knowledge about linux MQ .

Prakash Kumar BC 03-11-2015 10:22 PM

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The correct answer is 100GB usable.

Brijesh Kumar 01-6-2015 07:24 AM


100GB is the correct answer. Because RAID 5 means DISK STRIPING WITH SINGLE DISTRIBUTED PARITY. In this scenario we have 5 hard disks available to store the data and one hard disk we need to use for storing parity. so six harddisk - one harddesk ((6 *20) = 120 - one harddesk (20gb) .so remaining 5 hard desks size = 100 GB.

John 11-5-2014 01:51 PM

RAID 5 data space question needs to be reworded

Total Array Size:- 99.99GB

Total Usable Disk Space:- 93.12GB

120GB is Not a Correct Answer

Karthick 07-15-2014 08:56 AM

RAID 5 data space question needs to be reworded

Linux question was: How much usable space is available when a Linux system is configured with a RAID 5 array that consistes of 6 20GB drives. You give the answer of 120. I disagree / the question isn't clear there is a total of 120GB available however 1 drive is used for parity so that makes the total space available for user data 100GB.

ts 04-9-2014 09:32 AM

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