Primary key should always be auto increment

- true
- false


Discussion Board
Primary key

The above statement is true. Primary key should always be auto increment. Auto-incrementing primary keys are useful for following reasons:
1. They do not allow duplicate user names.
2. They allow the user name (or email address, if that's used to login) to be changed (easily).
3. Selects, joins and inserts are faster than Varchar primary keys, as it's much faster to maintain a numeric index.
4. Validation becomes very simple.
5. Sanitation of input is trivial.
6. There is far less overhead as foreign keys don't have to duplicate potentially large string values.

Prajakta Pandit 03-14-2017 01:50 AM


Primary Key like CustomerId should be updated automatically..So auto-increment is necessary for Primary Key.

Pritam Saha 10-13-2014 05:00 AM

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