Match the Following
A) Supervised Learning------i) Computer program to automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and make intelligent decisions based on data
B) Machine learning---------ii) Synonym for classification
C) Unsupervised learning----iii) technique that make use of both labeled and unlabeled examples when learning a model
D) Semi-supervised learning-iv) Synonym for Clustering

- A-iv, B-i,C-iii,D-ii
- A-i, B-iv,C-ii,D-iii
- A-ii, B-i,C-iv,D-iii
- A-iv, B-i,C-ii,D-iii

CORRECT ANSWER : A-ii, B-i,C-iv,D-iii

Discussion Board
Data mining

For the first time I see mcq on web mining.
Very nice

Sripati Mukhopadhyay 07-13-2021 05:49 AM

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