What is the order of priority testing?

- Unit >>Integration >>System testing.
- Unit>> System>>Acceptance testing.
- System>>Integration>> Acceptance testing.
- System>>Acceptance>>Integration.

CORRECT ANSWER : Unit >>Integration >>System testing.

Discussion Board
System>>Integration>> Acceptance testing.

Unit integration and acceptnvce is wrong. first a system is tested. ie ST ..then SIT is doen and the UAT. The answer emnetooned above is incorrect. Please remember, here we are talking baout the phases of testing .not about developers integarting the systems.Even in such case first ST will happen. I have worked in this kind of set up at a large scale

Veni 08-19-2020 06:04 AM

Explain the testing order

Can you please confirm which we do first ST or SIT ?

Arpit Gupta 05-12-2016 06:18 PM

Order of priority testing

Answer: Unit>>Integration>>System testing

Solution: Unit Testing: Unit testing is performed by the developer to verify the source code of all individual units or module of the application.
Integration Testing: Integration testing is performed by the developer or tester. It is used to verify all modules or units after combining with each other.
System Testing: System testing is performed by the testing team to verify that the system or software meets its specified requirement or not.
So, It is clearly defines that first we have to test all unit modules, then combine all modules and perform integration testing after that we can perform system testing for requirement verification.
Therefore, option A is correct.

Rohit Srivastava 07-28-2014 02:37 AM

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