Errors discovered during SQL statement execution cause

- statement-level rollback
- Row-level rollback
- Deadlock
- both a and b

CORRECT ANSWER : statement-level rollback

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Oracle Transaction

If at any time during execution a SQL statement causes an error, all effects of the statement are rolled back. The effect of the rollback is as if that statement had never been run. This operation is a statement-level rollback. Errors discovered during SQL statement execution cause statement-level rollbacks. An example of such an error is attempting to insert a duplicate value in a primary key. Single SQL statements involved in a deadlock (competition for the same data) can also cause a statement-level rollback. Errors discovered during SQL statement parsing, such as a syntax error, have not yet been run, so they do not cause a statement-level rollback.

Prajakta Pandit 02-17-2017 02:15 AM

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