Javascript is an object oriented language?

- False
- True


Discussion Board
It depends

Up until EMCA6, JavaScript was NOT a true object oriented language. Yes, there are some OOP concepts in the language, but to say that ECMA5 is an OO language is at best subjective and at worst misleading. Yes, through prototyping, you can do some OOP stuff, but try to transpile some object-oriented code into JavaScript and see how much you have to change other than basic syntax.

Joshua Albert 03-26-2018 03:34 PM

Java script is an object oriented language?

BTW the question should be "Is Javascript an object oriented language?"

JS is a prototype based language. It does not provide encapsulation.

Eric B Weimer 05-17-2017 08:56 PM


By most people, Javascript is NOT considered an object-oriented language. Using JSON objects, you can use it kinda like an object-oriented language, but in its true definition it is not.

Timothy Horton 01-10-2017 04:20 PM

Java script is an object oriented language?

JavaScript is not object oriented language, this is object based language

Giri 05-3-2014 07:11 AM

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