How do we check if the file has reached its end?

- Use if_file_end()
- use end_of_file()
- use eof()
- both a and c

CORRECT ANSWER : use eof()

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l appreciate

MTENJI DABULO 02-24-2023 09:40 AM


Your test structure is very good . I''m incredibly glad for this ,Thank you

Azim 03-5-2022 04:36 AM

C++ - EOF()

eof() (end-of-file) function is used to check if the file has reached its end. Always test for the end-of-file condition before processing data read from an input file stream.

Prajakta Pandit 01-25-2017 02:03 AM



surendra 04-17-2015 12:59 PM

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