What do you mean by SVG?

- Secondary vector graphics
- Scalable vertical graphics
- Scalable vector graphics
- Scalable vector graph

CORRECT ANSWER : Scalable vector graphics

Discussion Board
Scalable Vector Graphics

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is used to define graphics for the Web.

In HTML, <svg> element is a container for SVG graphics. It has several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and graphic images.

Sapna 02-24-2017 02:32 AM


Correct Answer : Scalable vector graphics

SVG stands for Scalable vector graphics and is used to define graphics for web. SVG is a W3C recommendation.

Jayesh Sonar 02-23-2015 12:47 AM



Gracy 01-6-2015 03:57 AM

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