It is possible to add and delete object from __________ list as and when required.

- vector
- array
- both a and b
- none of these


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array is for elements(values) but only vector contains objects ..

deve 11-20-2015 08:12 PM

send all core java mcq and answers in to my mail

send me please

sathisha 07-6-2015 03:43 AM

Provide information abt answer

Why not array?I think in both case i,e in vector and array addition and deletion possible

Smita Pawar 06-28-2015 02:28 PM

I want provide information

how that answer is become vector in case adding and deleting we need to use LinkedList but ArrayList is used our frequent operation is retrieval operation

Ashok 08-22-2014 11:07 AM

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