Which is not the advantage of Selenium IDE?

- Intelligent field selection will use IDs, names, or XPath as needed.
- Auto complete for all common Selenium commands
- Support for Selenium user- extensions .jr file
- None of these.

CORRECT ANSWER : Support for Selenium user- extensions .jr file

Discussion Board

Good test

Sandeep S 02-26-2020 07:37 PM


Need more of these kind of questions

Rashmi 09-23-2016 06:28 AM


Answer: support for selenium user – extension .jr file
Solution: Advantage of selenium:
1. Open Source and multiple execution at a time
2. Supports all browsers and operating system
3. Supports all programming languages
4. Auto complete commands
5. Use ID , name , Xpath and CSS selector
Therefore, option C is not the advantage of selenium IDE.

Rohit Srivastava 07-28-2014 05:37 AM

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