Which of the following is not a method of the Thread class.

- public void run()
- public void start()
- public void exit()
- public final int getPriority()

CORRECT ANSWER : public void exit()

Discussion Board
Thread Class - Exit class

The java.lang.System.exit() method terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. It is a status code where a nonzero or 1 indicates abnormal termination of the program whereas zero or 0 indicates normal termination of the program. It is not included in the thread class as it is not the part of the execution cycle of the method.

Following is the declaration for java.lang.System.exit() method

public static void exit(int status)


status -- This is the exit status.

The return type of this is nothing.

Rohit Sharma 07-28-2014 01:13 AM

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