DataInputStream is an example of

- Output stream
- I/O stream
- Filtered stream
- File stream

CORRECT ANSWER : Filtered stream

Discussion Board


Ambuj Kumar 01-27-2016 12:55 AM


I wnat more questions for break the all level .

kmlesh 05-28-2015 12:19 AM


The class is used by an application to read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way. Filtered stream is used for DataInputStream as this allows the filtration of data by reading or writing it to the stream. The filterstreams that are used to input/out are: FilterInputStream or FilterOutputStream.
Filter stream is used to read and write to the stream wherein read() reads the input from underlying stream in a readable filter stream, then it filters it and passes to the filtered data to the caller. Whereas, the write() filters the data and then writes it to the underlying stream in a writable filter stream. It is used as:

Class declaration
Following is the declaration for class:

public class DataInputStream
extends FilterInputStream
implements DataInput

Rohit Sharma 07-26-2014 07:38 PM

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