JavaScript supports all boolean operators

- True
- False


Discussion Board
Wrong Question

There is only two boolean type ie. true and false..
This is wrong question

Jony 12-31-2020 09:56 AM

Another poorly-worded question.

The issue is "all" boolean operators. OPERATORS, not values. There are some boolean operators in other languages that JavaScript doesn''t support. A better question would be a list of boolean operators and the question "which ones does JavaScript support".

Joshua Albert 03-26-2018 03:45 PM

Actually wait

He's talking about boolean operators like AND && OR ||, I guess it doesn't support ones like AND NOT so yea trick question that is stupid.

Jimmy JinkleHeimer 01-10-2017 05:03 PM

Stupid question

What are you even trying to teach in this question? It's wrong

"a Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false." and javascript definitley supports those

Jimmy JinkleHeimer 01-10-2017 05:02 PM

What boolean operators are there besides true and false?

What boolean operators are there besides true and false?

Timothy Horton 01-10-2017 04:21 PM

What are "ALL boolean operators"?

It seems a trick question.

Andrew 06-23-2015 01:00 AM

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