Which are the three tiers in the tight-coupling data mining architecture
i) Data Layer
ii) Application Layer
iii) Front end Layer
iv) All of the Above

- i, ii
- i, iii
- ii, iii
- iv


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Three tiers in the tight-coupling data mining architecture

In tight-coupling, database or data warehouse is treated as an information retrieval component of data mining system using integration. All the features of database or data warehouse are used to perform data mining tasks. This architecture provides system scalability, high performance, and integrated information. There are three tiers in the tight-coupling data mining architecture:
1. Data layer: This layer is an interface for all data sources. Data mining results are stored in data layer so it can be presented to end-user in the form of reports or another kind of visualization.

2. Application layer: It is used to retrieve data from the database. Some transformation routine can be performed here to transform data into the desired format. Then data is processed using various data mining algorithms.

3. Front-end layer: It provides intuitive and friendly user interface for end-user to interact with data mining system. Data mining result presented in visualization form to the user in the front-end layer.

Prajakta Pandit 03-21-2017 03:11 AM

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