Stateful Session beans contain

- Home Interface
- Remote Interface
- Bean class
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the above

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Stateful bean

Stateful session bean is a part of the session bean where it is used to maintain states of instance variable consisting of some value. The instance variables represent the state of a unique client/bean session as the client interacts with its bean, this kind of state is also termed as conversational state.

It consists of the following:
1)Home Interface - It allows the navigation of the elements that are on the frontend and homepage.
2) Remote Interface - This allows the information to be accessed and passed remotely
3) Bean class - is used to create interfaces and provide values for instance variables

This kind of bean is an interactive session where the bean is not shared and it can only have one client.

Rohit Sharma 08-23-2014 03:00 PM

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