_________ a data structure where data is _________ to optimize the access of the data

- Star join, normalized
- Self-join, normalized
- Star join, denormalized
- Self-join, denormalized

CORRECT ANSWER : Star join, denormalized

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Star join

A star join is where you join a really big fact table (or a really big subset of an enormous table) to a number of smaller tables. They are not to be confused with a star query. A star query also joins a big (fact) table to small (dimension) tables, but it will use WHERE predicates to constrain the rows selected to a small volume of data. A star query should use indexes, so is not technically a high volume SQL. A typical use for a star join would be the creation of an aggregated fact table from an atomic fact table. A typical use for a star query would be an end-user query on any fact table. In star join data is denormalized to optimize the access of the data.

Prajakta Pandit 03-20-2017 05:33 AM

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