Which is not the functional test case of the pencil?

- If eraser is attached properly.
- Easy to sharpen
- The pencil should not be sharpened.
- Length and breadth of the pencil.

CORRECT ANSWER : The pencil should not be sharpened.

Discussion Board

It should be Option A because Eraser it attached ot not that is part of intigration of testing. This is not mandatory every pencil must have the Eraser attached.Rest other are the part of the functional testing.

Bhupal Singh 01-11-2019 08:53 AM

I believe your answer is wrong

because the option you chosen the pencil should not be sharpened is part of negative functional test scenario, acc to me the most close one is option A because acc to info given there is no mention of a pencil with attached eraser rest of the options are related to operational functionality of the subject like length and breadth, sharpening or not.

ankit 09-30-2015 02:36 AM

Functional Test case

Answer: The pencil should not be sharpened.

Solution: Functional Test cases: Functional Test cases are written on the basis of the client’s perspective. Functional test cases are used to verify the functional and non functional requirement of the system.
Functional test cases of the Pencil: Easy to sharpen, Length and breadth of the pencil, eraser is attached properly.
Therefore, Option C is correct.

Rohit Srivastava 07-28-2014 02:34 AM

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