Which testing is performed during planning and documentation phase?

- Ad-hoc testing
- Monkey testing
- Fuzz testing
- End-to-End testing.

CORRECT ANSWER : End-to-End testing.

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Pavan Kumar Kavati 11-27-2024 10:25 AM

Which testing is performed during planning and documentation phase?

The given answer is not correct. during planning and documentation phase we cannot perform End-to-end testing! because we don''t have the test cases and other stuff needed for E2E testing. it will be either fuzz testing or monkey testing.

Seshadri Shome Chowdhuri 08-21-2018 01:47 PM

manual testing

Answer: End to End testing.

Solution: Fuzz Testing: Fuzz testing is a Data Driven testing that is used to test the application by using invalid or random data as input value for the application.
Monkey testing: There is no any predefine pattern for monkey testing. It is done by randomly selecting input values and verify system.

Ad-hoc Testing: It is performed by the testing team without any planning and documentation.
End to End testing: End to End testing is similar to the system testing, that is used to test the overall system’s functional and non functional requirement with a proper planning and documentation.

Therefore, option D is a correct answer.

Rohit Srivastava 07-28-2014 03:27 AM

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