Is it possible to write Android code using c/c++?

- yes
- no


Discussion Board

The Native Development Kit (NDK) is a set of tools that allows you to use C and C++ code with Android, and provides platform libraries.

Sapna Ambadkar 03-16-2017 02:41 AM


You can program in C/C++ using the Android NDK. You'll have to wrap your c++ codebase in a static library and load that through a Java wrapper & JNI.

The standard NDK does not support RTTI and a lot of the functionality of standard c++ is also not available such as std::string, etc. To solve this you can recompile the NDK. Dmitry Moskalchuk supplies a modified version of the NDK that supports this at This modified version works on all Android phones that run on an ARM processor.

Depending on the kind of application you should decide to use Java or C/C++. I'd use C/C++ for anything that requires above average computational power and games -- Java for the rest.

Just pick one language and write the majority of your application in that language; JNI calls can decrease your performance by a lot. Java isn't that hard though -- if you know how to program in C/C++. The advantage of Java is that the application can run on any device running Android, where as NDK applications depend on the architecture it was compiled for.

@Amarbir Singh

Amar 06-12-2015 06:18 AM

How to write android prog. with c/c++

how to write android using c/c++ is it phonegap ????

i want to know.

Chirag 06-8-2015 09:12 AM

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