Attendant CV - Sample
Akansha Paul
Address: P-208, Mumbai, India.
E-mail: akansha1******
Cell: +091-99********
Career Objective
Having 10+ years of experience at the position of service attendant in an, organization. Seeking an opportunity to a company that will allow me to show my creativity and dedication to bring profit for the company and make them grow.
Technical Skills
- Good knowledge of accounting software like ERP, Tax Act, etc.
- Knowledge of using Microsoft Tools – MS Excel, MS Word, Power Point, and excel.
Professional Experience
Wood Resort Center, Alaska, USA - Catering Service Attendant- Responsible for setting up the events and meeting rooms.
- Responsible for taking care of proper break down of the house and allow different rooms to be used for meetings.
- Responsible for maintaining and cleaning of the rooms including the storage, meeting spaces and guest rooms.
Educational Qualification
- Bachelor of Business Management from Honda University, 2004.
- High School diploma from Godavri School, 1998.
Key Skills and Strengths
- Motivate and lead others to approach towards problem in confidence.
- Having flexibility at work.
- Quick and smart learner.
- Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills.
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 24th, April 19**.
Languages known: English, Hindi, Malay.
Nationality: Indian.