Concept of KeyFrame - Silverlight

Explain the concept of KeyFrame. What is the difference between Silverlight and Flash regarding animations?

The value of the target property is animated by a key-frame animation. A transition among its target values over its duration is created. However the targeted values can by any number

The differences are:


- Has no notion of animation other than matrices transformation.
- Binary shape records are used to store the shapes.
- Supports multiple video formats.
- Works in IE, Firefox, Safari and Chrome


- Supports the WPF animation model.
- Uses XAML to output a simple XML object.
- Implements industry standard VC-1 codec for video and supports for WMV and WMA.
- Works after installing silverlight plug-in in IE
- Works after plug-in with warnings about the execution, was installed and works
- Not supported by Safari
- The animated box will be shown but will not animate.
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