Transformations Silverlight supports for the elements

What objects support tranformations? What are the transformations that Silverlight supports for the elements?

- A Transform defines how to map, or transform, points from one coordinate space to another coordinate space. This mapping is described by a transformation Matrix, which is a collection of three rows with three columns of Double values.

- The objects Ellipse and Rectangle are supported for transformations.

- The transformations that Silverlight supports for elements are rotations, scales, skews, and translations.

- The two-dimensional (2-D) Transform classes are used in Silverlight to rotate, scale, skew, and move (translate) objects. The following example applies transforms that rotate and skew a line of text.

- One way to transform an object is to declare the appropriate Transform type and apply it to the transformation property of the object.

- Different types of objects have different types of transformation properties. The following table lists several commonly used Silverlight types and their transformation properties.

Type Transformation properties
BrushTransform, RelativeTransform
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