How can we drop an assembly from SQL SERVER?

How can we drop an assembly from SQL SERVER?

The DROP ASSEMBLY statement allows removing an assembly along with its associated files from the database.

DROP ASSEMBLY assemblyname[,…n]

Why do we need to drop assembly for updating changes?

One cannot use ALTER ASSEMBLY when a SQLCLR method signature that’s currently being used/executed has changed. In such a scenarios we need to drop the Assembly and then re-create it using CREATE ASSEMBLY for updating changes.

How can we drop an assembly from SQL SERVER?

An assembly can be dropped using DROP ASSEMBLY command.
DROP ASSEMBLY assembly_name
IF no dependent assemblies need to be dropped, “WITH NO DEPENDENTS” needs to be specified.
Why do we need to drop assembly for updating changes?
Assemblies are stored in the database. Because of this, when the assembly is modified and recompiled........
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