What are Notification services?- A platform is provided by the Microsoft SQL Server Notification Services for developing and deploying applications that generate and send notifications to subscribers. - These notifications which are generated are generally personalized, timely messages that can be sent to a wide range of devices, and that would reflect the preferences of the subscriber. - The subscribers are the ones which create subscriptions to the notification applications. A subscription is an expressed interest in a specific type of event.
- For example, subscriptions might express the following preferences: "Notify me when my stock price reaches Rs.500.00," or "Notify me when the strategy document my team is writing is updated."
- A notification is generated and sent to the subscriber when the triggering event occurs. - A notification is generated and sent on a predetermined schedule specified by the subscriber. - They can be sent to a wide range of devices.
- An example of a notification is that it can be sent to a subscriber's cellular phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), Microsoft Windows Messenger, or e-mail account. Because these devices often accompany the subscriber, notifications and are ideal for sending important information.