Situation: You are required to find someone's password using winrunner. How would you do that?Passwords are saved in the winrunner script in encrypted form. The value that can be checked in the script file is the encrypted form of the original password only. When the script is run and the user enters a password, stored value is decrypted and checked against the user entry. To fetch this encrypted password, edit the script and make winrunner write the encrypted format onto a non-secure editbox. This will display the password in the UI.
Eg from QTP:
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Email").Set "someaccount" Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Passwd").SetSecure "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3"
The above is the original form that gets stored while recording. Make script write this encrypted format onto a non secure text field as follows:
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Email").SetSecure "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3"
This will show the original password in the "Email" field.