What is Software Quality and Software Configuration Management?Software quality is defined as the extent to which a software meets its requirements. A high quality software is defect free, has high usability and is fit for use. High quality of the software is ensured through following best testing practices which includes:
- Starting the testing process as early as possible in the life cycle - Having a thorough understanding of the requirements - Coordinating any changes to the software in a controlled mannner - Following effective communication techniques where all stakeholders are up-to-date with the happenings of the project - Trying to eliminate bugs as early as possible in the life cycle - Effective testing techniques
Software configuration management is the process of tracking and controlling changes to software/hardware. It involves:
- Identifying the configurations of existing hardware and software - Implementing a change control system wherein any changes to the existing configuration needs to be evaluated and approved by a designated change control board - Auditing frequently if the configurations match with their corresponding documentations - Managing software builds in a controlled manner - In case of any defects or issues, coordinating and tracking them back to the source and enable smooth closure
Testing typesUpward Compression testing, Usability Testing, Gray box testing, Structural Testing, Reliability Testing................