What are string functions in VBScript?1. Asc() - Returns ANSI Character Code 2. Chr() - Returns Character from ANSI Code 3. InStr() - Find a string within another 4. InStrRev() - Find a string within another (Reverse) 5. LCase() - Convert a string to lowercase 6. Left() - Crops a string from left 7. Len() - Determine the length of a string 8. LTrim() - Remove leading spaces from a string 9. Mid() - Crops a string 10. Replace() - Replace a substring within a string 11. Right() - Crops a string from right 12. RTrim() - Remove trailing spaces from a string 13. Space() - Creates a string with the specified number of spaces 14. StrComp() - Compare two strings 15. String() - Creates a repeated character string 16. StrReverse() - Reverse the characters of a string 17. Trim() - Remove both leading and trailing spaces from a string 18. UCase() - Convert a string to uppercase